The Heart of Discipline: Restoration, Not Retribution (Part 1)

Season 4
February 12, 2025

The doldrums of Februrary are legendary for being something of a nightmare for teachers, school administrators, parents, and even kids. Cabin fever kicks in, and as the temperatures outside plummet, sometimes the tempers can rise. Many a school principal across the country can probably attest to the uptick in disciplinary issues that seems to present itself around this time of year.

So, it's an apropos time to talk about discipline, yes? As a classical Christian school, Veritas approaches discipline differently than your typical school. Recognizing the relationship between the words "discipline" and "discipleship," our teachers and administrators aim to use challenging behaviors and situations to help point children toward being more like Christ.

This episode is a conversation with our Pastoral Team - Principal Dan Spanjer, Dean of Students Graham Dennis, and School Counselor Rachel Kiehl - diving into the heart of discipline at Veritas and within the context of Christian parenting.

Learn how this team of school administrators applies Christ-centered discipline aimed at restoration, with a heart for the holistic development of students toward maturity in Christ. Hear a little about how you as a parent can help your child learn and grow from discipline issues that happen at school, what kinds of contemporary cultural views clash with biblical discipline, and how resilience and emotional intelligence factor into your child's ability to receive restorative discipline.

Thank you to our season sponsor, ⁠Hershey Financial Advisers⁠, a wealth management firm located at North Point Boulevard in Lancaster, PA, leading people to make better financial decisions and empowering them to fulfill a vision beyond themselves.

About our Guests

Graham Dennis

Dean of Students, Upper School Humane Letters Teacher, Middle School Boys Soccer Coach

Rachel Kiehl

Director of Counseling

Daniel R. Spanjer


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