Our Passionate & Dedicated Team

Ty Fischer
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. History, Grove City College M. Div., Reformed Theological Seminary
Why veritas
I love Veritas because our school community is made up of the most joyful, loving, and considerate people I know. Our families hail from over 70 different churches and 10 different countries. During tragedy, we hang together. During triumphs, we celebrate joyously. Each day at Veritas, I witness the love of Christ and get a little glimpse of heaven as so many and so different people learn to love Jesus and each other.

Daniel R. Spanjer
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. History, Nyack College | M.A. Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary | Ph.D. History, University at Albany, SUNY
Why veritas
Veritas Academy is dedicated to raising up young men and women who seek truth and know that Jesus Christ is Truth. The Classical school model allows faculty to challenge students to think while it also exposes them to the traditions and ideas that have informed three thousand years of Western history. In addition, the teachers at Veritas see themselves as part of a learning community which encourages them to grow together in their work.

Jonathan Daughtrey
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Religion and History, Hillsdale College | M.Ed. Covenant College | MBA, University of Notre Dame
Why veritas
It is a joy to serve at Veritas Academy because of the many talented educators and staff members, amazing students, and supportive families. Veritas is a close knit family with everyone pulling in the same direction to cultivate loving, serving, and thinking students.

Graham Dennis
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Philosophy, University of South Carolina | M.A. Philosophy, Boston College
Why veritas
I originally wanted to teach at the college level. I decided to start a family and settle down. I looked for jobs that would challenge me and provide the opportunity not only to teach wonderful content, but to continue to grow in my own intellectual life. Veritas has been a place that has enabled me to continue to grow in my own intellectual life while helping students to love God's word and the great books in the western canon. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling career.

Rhonda Forbes
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. in Systems Engineering (concentration in Management Information Systems), University of Virginia
Why veritas
Teaching at Veritas means that I can challenge my students intellectually and in Christ. Classical education does not make you choose between rigorous academics and teaching subjects with a Christian worldview. It points students to a love of the Lord and a recognition of His sovereignty over all. I am not forced to artificially separate subjects from each other into islands of knowledge but can easily point to the impact of history on science and the impact of mathematical discoveries on literature and societal development. I love the camaraderie of the faculty here at Veritas and the sincere desire each teacher has to care for our students and support each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. I also cherish the opportunity to see the student’s grow as students into young men and women in Christ as they journey through the grades at Veritas.

Jacqueline Lake
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Elementary Education, Asbury College | M.Ed. in Elementary Education from Towson University
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas because the administrators, faculty, and staff have a wonderful camaraderie, and all work to do everything they can to help each other make the classroom an excellent environment for the children to learn. We have great families who support us in the classroom and at home. By putting Christ first in every subject and using the classical method our students learn to think, love, and serve others!

Laurie Conrad
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Bucknell University | M.S. Reading, Bloomsburg University | PA Reading Specialist Certificate
Why veritas
Here at Veritas Academy, I am able to employ my passion for teaching and learning alongside incredible people, who are also passionate about teaching and learning. Working together to cultivate loving, serving, thinking children, I fulfill another desire of mine ~ living a life of excellence that pleases God and helps to build His kingdom now and for the next generation.

Katie Thompson
Meet the veritas Team

B.M. Vocal Performance, B.M. Music Education - Temple University
Why veritas
I love Classical Education because the glory of God is the starting and ending point for learning. The desire to train up loving, serving, and thinking students is inherent in every subject. Having truth, beauty, and goodness woven throughout our curriculum is the most wonderful means to point each child in my classroom to Him who is the author of all that is true, beautiful, and good. Classical education also allows me to share my faith with my students, to pray with and for them and to share God’s truths - giving specific intentionality to the state of their precious hearts and souls as well as the shaping of their character. Classical education supports my hope for the boys and girls who have been entrusted to my classroom - that they will ultimately be not only my students but my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sharon Strawbridge
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Special Education, University of Southern Mississippi
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas because I love the people. The administration and faculty that I have worked with for more than 20 years are the people who are passionate about more than the wonderful classical methodology of teaching children about truth beauty and goodness. They are passionate about the people-the families and children at Veritas. I am thankful that my family and I have been able to grow , to learn, and to serve in this community. Being able to teach first graders and to get to know their families has greatly enriched my life and I am thankful.

Caleb Ploutz
Meet the veritas Team

A.A. Elementary Education, Harrisburg Area Community College | Pursuing B.S.E., Liberty University | Veritas Academy Class of 2017
Why veritas
As a product of the Veritas environment I feel inherently biased towards it, but it all comes down to the people. Working with godly men and women is such a blessing and encouragement. I also fully believe in the classical model of education and pushing students to their fullest potential. Veritas provides a solid Christian environment while challenging the students and supporting them every step of the way. That is a model and team that I am proud to be a part of.

Judy Hermanovitch
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Early Childhood/Elementary Education, Temple University | M.Ed., Cabrini College
Why veritas
The opportunity to work alongside faculty, staff, and administration that share similar educational philosophies, and personal beliefs in regard to Classical and Christian education.

Jacob Long
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Pastoral Ministry, Lancaster Bible College | Pursuing M.A. in Biblical Studies, Reformed Theological Seminary
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas because they encourage making learning fun and joyful. Oftentimes education can be seen as joyless or unexciting, but our curriculum often offers ways to make topics that could be boring be fun and memorable. When the students enjoy learning then the educator's job becomes significantly more enjoyable and easier. I also love the focus on tradition at Veritas. Tradition connects us to faithful believers and educators of the past. The tradition implemented at Veritas helps extends knowledge and does not get in the way.

Emily Fischer
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Elementary Education, Grove City College
Why veritas
I appreciate the Christian environment and godly staff that are very dedicated to teaching children and equipping the next generation to serve and lead in righteousness.

Catherine Godfrey
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Liberal Arts (Education), Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Pepperdine University
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas Academy because I am able to share the truth of Christ, and as Christians in this world, we "are not our own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ."

Holly Yaw

Laura Henry
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Spanish, Grove City College | M.Ed. in Spanish Language and Culture, James Madison University
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas Academy because of the people I get to work with every day. The faculty members, staff, administration, and parents are all on the same page when it comes to educating our students. We share a common worldview, and Christ is the centerpiece of that worldview. I love knowing that my coworkers are believers and we share the same faith. We can encourage one another on a deeper level and hold each other accountable. It creates a community like no other, and I find joy in going to work each day. I also love the classical Christian model. Because we are a K-12 school, I can see the impact of this teaching model from start to finish. Our little ones learn through chants, songs, and memorization. The middle grades learn to distinguish between logical and irrational thinking. And by the time the seniors are ready to graduate, they are well prepared to argue persuasively and do it in a way that is polite and convincing, something we should be doing each day as followers of Christ. We want to win others over to the faith. Each stage coincides with a developmental stage, and it makes sense. And in everything we teach our students, we point them back to Christ, so they can see how it all connects to the God of the universe. In addition to the content, I love being able to share my faith with my students, pray with them, and encourage them. What a privilege it is to have the freedom to connect with students in that way!

Ibby Rios
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Elementary Education, University of Valley Forge | M.Ed. in Education Administration, Temple University | M.Ed. Education Technology, Loyola University of Maryland
Why veritas
Veritas Academy has a transcendental compass by which we aim to be led. This compass guides us as we aim to cultivate the virtue and intellect of our students. Christ is at the center of our endeavor; and there is a genuine care for the students and families, faculty and staff, and all other stakeholders in our community.

Isaac Stiles
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Mathematics, Cairn University
Why veritas
Veritas Academy places a rightfully strong emphasis on the true, the good, and the beautiful. It is my joy and privilege to emphasize these transcendental values when teaching mathematics in the classroom. In addition, I get to do so surrounded by an amazing community, whose members spur each other on to seek the Lord in all things.

Jannah Esbenshade
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Biology, Geneva College
Why veritas
One of my favorite things about teaching at Veritas is the community. The teachers, and parents, are invested in creating an environment where students can learn not only the standard school subjects but also grow in their knowledge and relationship with God. While problems still arise, as we are all human, this common starting point sets Veritas apart from many otherwise exceptional schools.

Harry Myrick
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Education, Secondary Mathematics Education, Millersville University
Why veritas
Teaching mathematics and physics at a classical Christian school like Veritas Academy is a very rewarding and humbling experience. Realizing that most secular schools strongly discourage open references to the Christian faith, it is a joy to teach at a school where God is actually invited into the classroom. Just opening the class in prayer and asking God for direction and wisdom reminds us that there is a higher purpose behind what we are doing. We are able to praise God for His design in the mathematics classes that I teach and give glory to God for His creation in the physics class that I instruct. Teaching with a classical approach allows me to incorporate all three parts of the trivium in my instruction. I detail the language of math with its symbols and notation, the logic of math by explaining how and why it works, and the application of math by making connections to real-world examples. It is truly a privilege to be a teacher at Veritas Academy.

Sarah Caroline Nixon
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Biblical Studies, Lancaster Bible College, 2018 | M.A. History, Villanova University | AS Nursing, PA College of Health Sciences
Why veritas
I love helping students evaluate their ideas and find the organization and words to clearly express those ideas. At Veritas, I get to walk students through the process of writing and presenting their senior theses. The senior thesis capstone project is a unique way for Veritas' seniors to strengthen and show off their rhetorical skills.

Bill Lauris
Meet the veritas Team

B.S.E. Chemistry Education, General Science Certification, Mansfield University | M.S.E. Science Education K-12, Lebanon Valley College
Why veritas
I love the culture here at Veritas Academy. It is a positive environment for teaching, learning, and fellowship. The students are excellent and the staff is passionate and engaging.

Darin Beachy
Meet the veritas Team

B.S.E. Social Studies Education, Millersville University | M.A. American History, Arizona State University | Certificate in Biblical Studies, Rosedale Bible College
Why veritas
I have been drawn to the Classical Education model for several years for its emphasis on holistic education using Great Books to participate in the Great Conversation of Western Civilization. Veritas provides a tremendous opportunity for me to continue my lifelong passion to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty as I help my students to do the same. The faculty and staff feel like family to me, full of stimulating conversation and genuine care for each other. As a Veritas parent as well as a teacher, I am excited about the ways that Veritas is shaping my children to realize their full potential in Christ.

Paul Miller
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Bible, Lancaster Bible College, BA Bible | Pursuing M.Div., Evangelical Theological Seminary
Why veritas
It’s an environment where Christ, theology, and philosophy are not secondary to learning but the foundation of learning. It is not enough today to just learning facts - integrating them into a coherent and well articulated worldview is more important than ever. Veritas not only excels at that goal, but thrives as a result.

Stephen Darrenkamp
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Classics, Franciscan University of Steubenville | B.A. History, Franciscan University of Steubenville | K-12 Latin Certification, Albright College
Why veritas
As a new faculty member at Veritas, I am filled with excitement for the opportunity to contribute my passion for teaching. I am thrilled to be part of a school that values the importance of fostering intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and character development centered on Jesus Christ. I look forward to the journey ahead where I can contribute to making a positive impact within the Veritas community.

Amanda Crooks
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. in Sociology and Spanish, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas because I have the opportunity to cultivate and work in an environment that seeks truth, beauty, and goodness in all that we do. This grants me the ability to creatively construct and teach lessons that are engaging and from a Biblical perspective. I am also thankful that I can get to know and care for the students as individuals, as well as their families, who are exceedingly encouraging and kind.

Amber Spatola
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Teaching English as a Second Language, Minor in French, Liberty University
Why veritas
Classical Education asks students to not be onlookers of learning but instead to engage with the learning process. When students become participants rather than observers, they are able to enjoy the task. The subject does not just stay in the textbook; it becomes a part of your schooling and helps you retain the material. Thanks to their Latin studies in grammar school at Veritas, students are able to understand terms such as number, gender, conjugation and infinitive. Once they begin to study a Romance Language (such as French, Spanish or Italian), they are easily able to move past these basic concepts and begin understanding another language. This is where the fun begins! Students are able to participate in a café setting or a cultural activity, all the while using the target language. Through this they can begin to see the beauty and creativity that God has given to the many languages of the world and to use them for his glory.

Anna Martin
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Spanish, Minor in Communications, Eastern University
Why veritas
Veritas Academy is filled with unique students from a variety of backgrounds all being shaped into young, capable, thinking leaders of the future through the emphasis of cultivating loving, serving, thinking students. Being a witness to the transformative work God is doing in them is a blessing and gift, and inspires me to trust that God is raising up members of the next generation to love the timeless treasures of truth, goodness and beauty. To God be the glory.

Lindsey Stauffer
Meet the veritas Team

B.M. Music Education, Millersville University | M.M. Choral Conducting, West Chester University
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas Academy because it really is a community committed to excellence; faculty and students alike care deeply about learning and they honor the effort required to excel. The atmosphere in the school is one of respect, kindness, and (especially on special event days) good cheer! Friendly debates often spill into the high school hallway between classes and it's common to hear students expressing genuine care for each other. It is a joy to be part of a community that values things that are true, worthy, and time-tested; I love teaching students who get excited to study Mozart and singers who appreciate the beauty of great choral masterpieces, both time-tested and contemporary.

Jennifer Petry
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Music Performance, B.S. Music Education, Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music (University of Cininnati)
Why veritas
Veritas Academy has an excellent classical, Christian educational model. The teachers pour their hearts into the students and into their subjects, and it shows in the excellent education the students get. The staff and administration have a heart for supporting the work of the teachers, but even more supporting the work of the family as they come alongside parents to provide an excellent and compassionate environment for learning and growing.

Stacy Eberly
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Elementary & Special Education, Kutztown University | M.S. in ESOL, Penn State University
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas Academy because it is an environment that fosters faith in Jesus Christ. Along with this, it is a school that examines history, literature, and art through the lens of the Christian faith.

Ashley Lapp
Meet the veritas Team

Ashley Lapp
Physical Education Teacher, School Lunch Director, Middle School Girls Head Basketball Coach
B.S. Kinesiology and K-12 Health and Physical Education, West Chester University | M.S. Exercise Science, California University of PA | Certification in Performance Enhancement
Why veritas
These middle school girls at Veritas make this the most fun job! They are wonderful to coach and the parents and other coaches are welcoming and make it feel much more than a job.

Sarah Smith
Meet the veritas Team

B.M. Music Education, Minor in Psychology, Grove City College
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas because of the relationships I have been blessed to form with the students who are always eager to learn as well as the incredibly supportive faculty and administration that have allowed me to use my abilities in various ways to serve the school. I love seeing the joy in my students as they learn to make beautiful music and sing praises to the Lord! I also greatly appreciate the devout and truth-based foundation the Veritas curriculum is built upon that is raising strong, Godly leaders to go out into the world.

Danita Hoover
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Sociology, Kutztown University
Why veritas
I have been tremendously blessed to be part of the Veritas community in the capacity of Classroom Assistant. Working with both colleagues and students who value raising children to learn to love and serve God in meaningful ways creates an atmosphere of Joy. Having faculty, and parents who support each other and who have the same goals shows clearly in the students’ ability to focus, and learn well. When we look at the world around us, it is easy to feel discouraged, but seeing the students at Veritas grow into their potential gives a great sense of hope for future generations.

Karen McGrady
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. English, Lebanon Valley College | M.A. Humanities, Pennsylvania State University
Why veritas
I love being part of a school community committed to classical Christian education with Jesus Christ as our North Star. I have the privilege of watching students (including my own children) grow in knowledge and deepen in wisdom as they progress from the grammar to logic to rhetoric stages of learning. Inside the walls of Veritas on any given day, I get to celebrate a loose tooth or birth of a baby brother, guide cursive writing strokes, or sing along to one of the history memory songs. It is a joy to witness firsthand the lively life of the mind ignited and virtue developed in the students as they pursue what is true, good, and beautiful.

Deborah Bentley
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Liberal Arts, Millersville University
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas because I enjoy helping early readers learn to make the connections to read and build the foundational skills to become effective readers, writers, and spellers as they become loving, serving, thinking members of the Veritas community.

Lynn Wenger
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Molecular Biology, Grove City College | Master of Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh
Why veritas
I have really enjoyed getting to know and work among the people who make up the Veritas community. As a long-time Veritas parent I have seen the good fruit of my children's education here, and it is a privilege to now have the opportunity to see the inner workings of the school and its people and the ways that each contributes to the school's mission.

Meghan Lake
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Double Major in Bible & Elementary Education, Appalachian Bible College
Why veritas
The sense of community that comes from working alongside those seeking to provide a Christ centered education to our student. It is also a blessing to partner with families seeking this kind of education for their children. I also find much joy in hearing what my preschool students will say next as they learn to process the world around them.

Tracy Kuehner
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Business Administration Marketing, Bloomsburg University | Elementary Education Certification, Drexel University
Why veritas
I love teaching at Veritas because the preschoolers are so eager and excited to learn! I have the freedom to read the Bible to students and teach them who Christ is. I get to work with a team of Christians that support, encourage and help me to become a better teacher.

Ellen Collison
Meet the veritas Team

Dual Certification Elementary and Special Education, Cedarville University
Why veritas
As a teacher of Veritas Preschool, I feel privileged to be part of a community where God is at the center of everything we do. Having graduated from Cedarville University with a dual Elementary and Special Education certification, I have been teaching for over 30 years in Christian Schools. Seeing the children's excitement and happiness every day as they come to school at Veritas gives me immense joy. Witnessing their growth and progress in all aspects of their lives, including academics, social, physical health, and spirituality, as they walk with the Lord is truly rewarding.

Michelle Fisher
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Education, Millersville University
Why veritas
I love the students, families, and co-workers at Veritas. I enjoy the sense of community and diversity at Veritas. I feel the mutual respect between the families and I am grateful that I am there to help navigate them through their students first year of school.

Hannah Kilpatrick
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Educational Studies from Bob Jones University
Why veritas
I love my job as the preschool assistant! For the children in this age group, preschool is their first exposure to a school setting. It's so fun to watch them grow and learn throughout the school year. Veritas provides many resources so the children can learn in a variety of ways including play which is so important at this age.

Ginny Miller
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Business Administration, Kutztown University
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas Academy because I love being around the students and watching them grow and mature. I love working with like-minded Christians who want our students to grow and mature in Christ. I love that I am supporting the school's mission to cultivate loving, serving, thinking students.

Sarah Yacoviello
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Bob Jones University | M.A. Bob Jones University
Why veritas
I love working at Veritas because I have observed that the students who attend and later graduate from our school have a unique understanding of the world around them, do not seem to be deterred by the culture, and can confidently articulate the reasons for their beliefs. I am so thankful that my own children can experience this rigorous and rewarding education. I also very much enjoy the the like-mindedness and camaraderie of the wonderful faculty and staff, many of whom have become dear friends.

Tracy Leaman
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. in Bible, Minor in Youth Ministry, Lancaster Bible College
Why veritas
I love the culture at Veritas. I love the academics, the community, the uniqueness that makes Veritas different than other Christian schools. I love who we are and our pursuit of Christ. I love making an impact in our interactions with those both inside and outside our community.

Jill Trimbath
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Biology, Bucknell University | M.S. in Medical Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Why veritas
I love talking with parents who are exploring the very important decision regarding their children's education. Each family has a unique story and perspective so my job is never dull. My own children have benefitted from a classical Christian education, and I am so grateful. I love to tell others about the benefits their children will enjoy.

Rachel Kiehl
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. Grove City College | M.S.Ed. University of Pennsylvania | Graduate Certificate, UCLA
Why veritas
I love learning about Veritas students and their passions. They've each been gifted differently, and I love helping them think about how God has created them and challenging them to glorify him with their lives.

Sally Krueger
Meet the veritas Team

B.A. in Music Performance from Millersville University
Why veritas
My job at Veritas Academy is unique. Being the school photographer allows me to meet & interact one on one with every single student in the school! I also get to be a fly on the wall for all of the amazing events that happen at Veritas! Capturing all of the learning and fun is a true privilege!

Joshua Ormerod
Meet the veritas Team

Associates Degree from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Why veritas
Working at Veritas is unlike anything I've ever experienced. The people here are not only intelligent, loving, and kind, they are focused on Glorifying God, and making him known to others. It is truly incredible to see firsthand our faculty and staff pour themselves into the lives of the students. Additionally its a blessing to see the fruit of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of our students. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to be here at Veritas.

Kylee Bowman
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Business/Communication, Grove City College
Why veritas
I absolutely love that I get to tell Veritas Academy's story! Having a front row seat to all the joy and goodness that happens here every single day, and then finding ways to capture it and share it with the world, is an immense privilege and pleasure. In my role, I experience the breadth of the Veritas experience - from the littlest (and cutest!) kindergartners up to the astute, articulate seniors. I get to sit in on exhilarating cultural discussions and thoughtful biblical examinations. And, best of all, each moment is centered in Christ. With prayer and worship being an integral part of our work day, and Christ always lifted up as our main "director of operations," there is no greater feeling than knowing you're part of an incredible team with a mission to further God's kingdom among these precious students.

Mylene Ream
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Nursing, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Why veritas
Veritas Academy serves our community with a uniquely rigorous, Christ centered educational opportunity for students to come and join a school where our Lord Jesus Christ is credited and worshipped as Creator, Redeemer and Unchangeable Truth. It is a privilege (and a lot of fun!) to work hard behind the scenes to help support the financial operations of our school.

Bill Urban

Randa Landis
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Maryland College Park
Why veritas
I have worked in a variety of professional settings, and while I greatly enjoyed my civil engineering career, working at Veritas has been an absolute delight. My colleagues (the faculty and staff here) are ultimate professionals and love Jesus deeply - a wonderful combination! Veritas students and families are very vibrant, joyful, intelligent and committed, and it's a privilege to be part of and work for this community.

Lauren Timmins
Meet the veritas Team

Why veritas
I love coaching at Veritas because I am passionate about being in a sports environment that is centered around Christ in a way that I can develop their talent, open their eyes to the strategies and nuances of the game, and help them create and grow their relationships with their teammates.

Paul Weiss
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Applied Mathematics, Geneva College
Why veritas
As Game Manager for the Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Basketball teams, I value being able to meet the game day needs of both the Veritas teams and their opponents. I also thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie with the coaches and the other game support staff, and it’s a lot of fun to participate in the excitement and enthusiasm of the games.

Marissa Kmiec
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Business Management, Grove City College
Why veritas
What I enjoy the most about coaching at Veritas is the opportunity to use basketball to grow as teammates and competitors as we pursue and develop Godly character. Varsity sports provide challenges and opportunities daily to be more like Christ.

Lou DeNome
Meet the veritas Team

BS/BA Youngstown State - Labor Arbitrator Department of Labor and Industry
Why veritas
The strong Christian environment coupled with the classical education curriculum provides and promotes Christian values along with enabling students to gain knowledge and skill sets critical as the grow spiritually, physically, and mentally.

John Mertz
Meet the veritas Team

B.S. Accounting, Penn State University
Why veritas
I fully support the values that Veritas instills in its students and the community. All teachers, coaches, staff, and parents make my job easy and enjoyable. The students are respectful and receptive. Veritas provides a wonderful working/coaching experience.

Chadd Whipple

Charles Heath

Victoria DeWeese

Brad Brossman

Brett Bauer

David Aungst
Meet the veritas Team

President, High Hotels, Ltd. | B.B.A. Accounting, James Madison University
Why veritas
I love Veritas' quirkiness. Am I allowed to say that? I love the special festivals, days, and traditions. I love the commitment to a robust classical education. My children are being taught to think and they are being challenged academically every day, but it is not just about head knowledge. Character formation matters to Veritas. Last, I love commitment to Christ and biblical truth that underpins everything that Veritas does. The world might change, but Veritas is founded on and committed to God's truth. Praise the Lord.

Jonathan Walters
Why A Classical Christian Education?
A classical Christian education emphasizes the liberal arts and sciences, with a focus on the study of the classics, history, literature, and languages. This approach to education seeks to develop critical thinking skills, a love of learning, and a deep understanding of the world and its complexities. This type of education prepares students for a life of service and leadership, grounded in a biblical worldview. Our students learn to ask important questions, engage in rigorous debate, and pursue truth and beauty in all areas of life.
What is classical education?

Join Our Team and Become a Part of the Mission
Veritas Academy is more than just a school - it's a community dedicated to fostering growth, development, and success. Join our team of passionate educators, administrators, and staff members. Whether you're looking to kickstart your career or take the next step in your professional journey, Veritas Academy offers a range of exciting and rewarding career opportunities that will challenge and inspire you. So why wait? Apply today and unlock your potential with Veritas Academy!
See open positions