Invest in Young People Shaping Culture for Christ

girl sitting in class at her desk

Your Support Truly Matters

We aim to bring Christ into every area of cultural life, from building bridges to winning souls, and from making movies to leading companies. As Abraham Kuyper famously said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” Join us in investing in Veritas Academy and raising up students who are committed to taking Christ into every corner of culture and every inch of the Universe.

donate to our annual fundcapital campaign: a place for "we"

Explore our strategic growth plan

We are committed to providing the best education possible to our students. That's why we are always looking for ways to improve and grow. Our strategic plan for the future include expanding our facilities, increasing our scholarship offerings, and enhancing our curriculum. By supporting our development efforts, you can help us achieve these goals and ensure that our students have access to the education they deserve.

Learn more about Development
teaching talking to a class
students writing on a whiteboard

Become a sponsor of the Cultivate podcast

Our podcast discusses classical Christian education and its impact on young minds and hearts. Sponsoring the Cultivate podcast allows you to reach a dedicated audience of parents, educators, and supporters. By supporting us, you help ensure that we can continue to produce high-quality content that inspires, informs, and encourages our listeners.

Sponsor our podcast

Learn About Our Tax Credit Programs

Businesses and individuals can redirect their state tax liability towards scholarships for Veritas Academy students through Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC), Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credits (OSTC), and Special Purpose Entity's (Education Tax Credits for Individuals). Veritas Academy was granted an opportunity to expand EITC/OSTC reach to offer this mutually beneficial tax credit to individual taxpayers. Contact the Director of Development to learn more.

reach out to our director
Students in a classroom
boy writing at his desk

Our Academic Difference

teacher reading a book

Meet Our Incredible Staff

Portrait of student

Cultivating Students