Cultivating Christ-Shaped Critical Thinking

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Embracing the Challenge & Transition

Middle schoolers can be challenging as they transition from eager-to-please children to young adults with their own ideas. Veritas embraces this challenge and sees value in teaching logic and critical thinking during this important phase. As Dorthy Sayers notes in her essay "The Lost Tools of Learning", children at this age are naturally argumentative and this trait can be channeled to good purpose by teaching them how to build strong arguments and deconstruct false philosophies.

Boy writing on the board

What we focus on during the Logic Phase

Omnibus: Exploring our Heritage Through Reading and Discussion

In seventh and eighth grades, students begin the Omnibus Program. The Omnibus is a pattern of reading through the Great Books and exploring the ideas that form the basis for our faith, culture, and living well.

Sharpening Reason through Logic and Communication

Veritas students learn to think logically and to use reason to find truth. Writing is one of the most needed skills—and one of the most difficult to attain. At Veritas, we train students to use the tools acquired in grammar school to write pithy sentences, clear paragraphs, and arguments that use evidence effectively.


Middle schoolers at Veritas, focus on building on the strong mathematical skills of our grammar school. Students in middle school focus on Algebra and Geometry. The use their skills acquired in Logic class to confidently solve proofs in Geometry.

Finding Truth in the Science Lab

Middle school students use the logic of induction to learn about truth in the Science Lab. Induction is the logic of experiments. God made two ways to know the truth: revelation (in Christ and in God’s Word) and through Nature. With the help of God’s Spirit, we can learn Truth by exploring nature.

Singing God’s Praise and Making Music to His Glory

Veritas students glorify God through their choral singing. Each student takes choir, and students can test into our strings program. Our concerts are well attended and glorious. Our strings program is thriving. Our musicians consistently place among the best in the region in LLMEA and PMEA.

Learning Beauty Through Art

Veritas trains students to both see and prize beauty.  They learn to draw and begin to use other forms of media to bring beauty to life.

Veritas House Program

The five houses of Veritas Academy; Athanasius, Chesterton, Clairvaux, Euler, and St. Francis; are the main venue for multi-grade character building, leadership training, discipleship, and fun. They serve in the school community. Grow in Christ together, and compete in some of the craziest games and odd traditions.

Socratic Method

Teachers in Veritas’s middle school are taught to use the Socratic Method of instruction. This method makes the students do the thinking by posing questions and then encouraging and guiding student interaction.

Tools for Validity, Truth, and Clear Thinking

Veritas students learn formal and informal logic. In informal logic, they learn common fallacies often used in politics and advertising. These fallacies lead people astray. One of the favorite fallacies has a Latin name Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (After This, Therefore, Because of This). This fallacy misattributes the cause of a result to an event that happened to come before it. Someone is committing this fallacy if he says, “Every time a rooster crows, the sun comes up.”   

students writing on a whiteboard
students walking and talking outside

Our Incredible Teachers

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Graham Dennis
Dean of Students, Upper School Humane Letters Teacher, Middle School Boys Soccer Coach
Rhonda Forbes
Dean of Math and Science, Upper School Math Teacher
Harry Myrick
Secondary Mathematics and Physics Teacher
Isaac Stiles
Upper Grammar and Secondary Math
Bill Lauris
Secondary Science Teacher
Kristen Hoover
Upper School & 6th Grade Math Teacher
Adam Timmins
House Program Director, Upper School Logic & Humane Letters Teacher
Paul Miller
Secondary Humane Letters Teacher
Stephen Darrenkamp
Upper School Latin Teacher; Logic Teacher
Madelyn Fischer
Upper Grammar and 7th Grade Latin Teacher
Amanda Crooks
Secondary Art and Science Teacher; Health Assistant
Amber Spatola
French, Italian and Writing Basics Instructor
Anna Martin
Secondary Spanish Teacher, Director of Service
Lindsey Stauffer
Choir Director & Upper Grammar Music Teacher
Stacy Eberly
Grammar & Secondary Art
Ashley Lapp
Physical Education Teacher, School Lunch Director, Middle School Girls Head Basketball Coach
Jennifer Petry
Director of Orchestras
Jannah Esbenshade
Science Teacher, Athletics Assistant

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boy writing at his desk

Our Academic Difference

Classical Christian schools are highly valued by those who understand their potential, but often overlooked by others. Our school stands out because we start with different goals. Discover more about what sets our school apart.

teacher reading a book

Meet Our Incredible Staff

Over the years, God has brought Veritas Academy incredibly gifted teachers who inspire the love of learning and help students reach their highest potential. Learn about them by exploring their profiles on our Faculty & Staff page.  

Portrait of student

Cultivating Students

We strive to develop students who not only possess the skills and knowledge necessary for success, but who are also filled with love and compassion for others, a desire to serve their community, and a knack for critical thinking.