Glorifying God through Art in all its forms.

A Crucial Part of Classical Christian Education
Classical Christian education prioritizes truth, beauty, and goodness, recognizing the importance of cultivating well-rounded individuals. Learning to create art fosters a love and appreciation for beauty while also developing an appreciation for the skills and details in others' work. The fine arts are intertwined with the liberal arts, with music and painting expressing ideas like rhetoric, and music being listed as one of the liberal arts.
Our Award-Winning Strings Program
At Veritas, we start all students in our Strings Explorers in 3rd grade. Students who want to continue to have an opportunity to plan in on of our orchestral strings groups throughout the rest of their time at Veritas. Our string players often earn LLMEA, PMEA, and other honors. The orchestra performs at the Christmas Concert, the Spring Concert, and many other events at Veritas and in the community.

Training Sensibilities and Entertaining Through Drama
Our Theatre program, The Veritas Players, have a rich history of putting on outstanding performances, ranging from Shakespearean dramas to modern musicals. Students are encouraged to participate in every aspect of the production process, from writing and directing to costume design and stage management, the Veritas Players have created an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and personal growth.

Glorifying the Word; Singing God’s Praises
At Veritas, all of our students learn to sing. They sing hymns. They sing Latin songs, and songs in many other languages. They sing history songs. Our teachers use instruments, solfege exercises, and Koldáy training to teach the “grammar” of singing. Our choirs perform at the Christmas Concert and Spring Concert. Our Advanced Chamber Ensemble (ACE) sings at many other Veritas events and at events in the community.

Exploring the Visual Arts
We believe that the arts are a powerful culture-shaping force that should be an integral part of classical Christian education, and our program is designed to help students use art to glorify God and appreciate its beauty. At Veritas, we believe that art, in all its forms, should lead us towards God.

Our Academic Difference

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