Politics, Rhetoric, and Training Our Youth to Speak, Vote, and Lead Thoughtfully

Season 4
October 15, 2024

In an election season such as we find ourselves presently, it seems we are inundated with political messages and noise - and much of it can feel frustrating and hopeless as we watch candidates batter one another with meaningless words and even outright falsehoods, and wade through the barrage of sound bytes, video shorts, pithy headlines, and Tic Toks to find something of real substance.

In Classical Christian education, Rhetoric is the final stage of learning, preparing a generation of students to take their place as the next citizens, voters, and leaders of our nation. If the art of Rhetoric is "a good man speaking well," then we can agree that more excellent rhetoricians is what our nation could use.

In this episode, Ty Fischer talks with the Hon. Gordon Denlinger, former PA State Representative and current Deputy Auditor General, and Veritas Dean of Students and Rhetoric teacher Graham Dennis. They discuss the political climate of this charged election season - and the many that have preceded it over the centuries - and what discerning parents and young people need to keep in mind if we are going to rise above the denigration and noise and speak Christ's truth and light well to a darkening culture.

About our Guests

Hon. Gordon Denlinger

October 1, 2024

A View From the Heights: The Classical Christian Movement Around the Country and World

August 13, 2024

Academic Excellence & Christian Devotion: How the Pursuit of One Strengthens the Other

July 9, 2024

Prizing a Pre-Political Education To Raise Up a Generation of Engaged Citizens

June 11, 2024

Teaching Kids the Dignity of Work: David Bahnsen on Economics to the Glory of God