3 Creative Ways to Afford the Education that Your Child Needs

May 11, 2016

Sometimes, our hopes and desires for providing the education that your children need seems to be on a crash course with budgetary realities. When these issues are headed toward a collision, it is time for some creativity. Here are three creative ways to answer the question: How can I give my child an education at a private Christian school while being financially prudent?

Creative Way #1: Consider working with another parent sharing child care so that each of you can have time to do a little work.

Creativity often involves working together. I have seen situations where two or three parents--often younger moms--work together to help each other with child care so that they can have time to earn a little part-time income that makes affording tuition easier. One mom might provide childcare for a few other moms who then can be freed up to work part time and earn some income so that they can have their school-aged childern where they want them to be. 

Often this sort of arrangment has many benefits. Moms might be able to team up and work out of the same home with someone watching the kids part of day while the other mom is able to work in another room but be on call if there is a problem or need with their child. 

Creative Way #2: Find a business opportunity that does not take you out of the home (or develop the skills that you need to make this a reality).

An increasing number of people work from home, with flexible hours. Technology is making this sort of work increasingly accessible. This is great news for moms who wantdesire to be at home--particularly when the kids are young--but also want to earn a little income and remain in a field for possible later re-entry into the full time job world. Investing some time in the afternoon when the kids are napping and supplementing this with a limited amount of work in the evenings or on the weekends might be the difference that makes private education an option for your family. 

Creative Way #3: Volunteer at the school and make yourself indispensable.

Often, people call me and ask for work. There is always plenty of work to do at school. Often, however, there are not enough hands to do it and sometimes (unfortunately) there are not enough funds to add a position. How then can you put yourself at the top of the list when the school has an open position? Volunteer, and do a great job when you help. Ask an administrator if there is anything that you can do on a regular basis that will bless the school. If you make yourself indepensible, your name will come up when there is an open position. 

Realize that here at Veritas, we work with families to help them afford the investment of private school tuition. We both have the same goal for your children, and we want to help you see it to fruition. Over half of our families receive financial aid, and we love being able to serve many diverse children because of the opportunities that our aid and scholarship programs open.

Note also that these three creative ways are only examples. Creativity births innovation, so be creative with your own!



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